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Beachguide » Broad Haven
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Broad Haven

Broad Haven is a popular seaside resort
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3rd May 2004
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Broad Haven is a popular seaside resort, with plenty of pubs, campsites and a wide range of accomodation.

Broad Havens westerly facing sandy beach offers excellent conditions for kite-surfing, kite-buggying, windsurfing and surfing. For surfing, Broadhaven can offer some protection from SW winds and is usually about half the size and cleaner than Newgale just up the coast. Broad Haven is one of the most popular windsurfing beaches in this area and home to Haven Sports watersports shop. The best wind diretions are SW to WSW when the wave-sailing is good and NW for starboard tack sailing. Southerly winds tend to be gusty but can be OK. Offshore winds (NE-SE) can offer some good flat water sailing conditions. There is a car park at the southern end of the beach opposite Haven Sports and a larger car park a small distance from the beach at the North End of the bay.

To find Broad Haven follow the B4341 from Haverfordwest.
Sports Suitability
Surfing starstarstar
Surf Conditions at Broad Haven can be Excellent
Buggying starstar
Buggying Conditions at Broad Haven can be Good
Windsurfing starstarstar
Windsurfing Conditions at Broad Haven can be Excellent
kitesurfing starstarstar
Kitesurfing Conditions at Broad Haven can be Excellent
Wind Suitability
Windsurfing at Broad Haven Kitesurfing at Broad Haven
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE

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